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Hathor was another much-loved Goddess of ancient Egypt.  Her name was pronounced in two syllables (Hat-hor). She was closely tied with Isis, as a protector of women, and Goddess of motherhood, love and music. Hathor was a Goddess of the stars and sky, and was usually depicted either as a cow, or a woman with the head of a cow.

Her cult was centered in Dendera where she was a goddess of fertility and childbirth. In Thebes she was seen as a goddess of the dead, and the Greeks identified her with Aphrodite (their goddess of love).

She is usually shown with a solar disk flanked by cow horns on her head. She is also regarded as the patron of love, dance, and alcohol. Her love of music could be seen as she carried a sistrum (a rattle) with her often. She was particularly loved by the lower-class women who usually called upon her during childbirth.

Hathor was the daughter of the sun God Ra, and Nut, the Goddess of the night sky. In her cow persona, she was nurse to Horus when he was a child.

TITLE Lady / Mistress of Heaven
ANIMAL cow, lioness, falcon, cobra, hippopotamus
SYMBOLS sistrum, musical instruments, drums, pregnant women, mirrors, cosmetics

HATHOR - Goddess of Motherhood





She was typically a calm and peaceful Deity, but on one occasion was called upon by Ra to punish mankind for not worshipping him properly. He sent Hathor to the task, but she became frenzied with blood-lust and Ra feared that she would destroy all mankind. So he poured beer in the fields, and she drank. She fell asleep, drunk, and forgot about her mission.

The Seven Hathors

It was said that when a child was born, Seven Hathors came to the bedside to announce the child's fate. The Seven Hathors were believed to know the future and the moment of death for every Egyptian. A person's destiny depended on the hour of their death and the luck of ill-fortune was connected with it. It was believed that the Hathors would exchange a prince born to ill-fortune with a more fortunate child, therefore protecting the dynasty and the nation. The Hathors were shown as a group of young women playing tambourines and wearing the disk and horns of Hathor. During Ptolemaic times (when Greeks ruled over Egypt), they were identified with the Pleiades.

Variants: Athyr, Hethert.

A foot on each corner of the world,
Golden Hathor is the House of the Sky,
The rain falls from her belly,
The papyrus blooms beneath her feet.

Tarot Card


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