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In "Bailey's Dictionary," edition of 1730---

127 years ago--under the word "Loadstone," is found the following foreshadowing of the Electric Telegraph:

Some authors write that by the help of the magnet or loadstone, persons may communicate their minds to a friend at a great distance; as suppose one to be at London, and the other at Paris, if each of them have a circular tablet, like the dial-plate of a clock, and a needle touched with one magnet, then at the same time that the needle at London was moved, that at Paris would move in like manner, provided each party had secret notes for dividing words, and the observation was made at a set hour, either of the day or of the night; and when one party would inform the other of any matter, he is to move the needle to those letters that will form the worlds, that will declare what he would have the other know, and the other needle will move in the same manner.  This may be done reciprocally.

Syracuse Sunday Daily Courier, Syracuse, New York - Friday, March 27 1857

Along the smooth and slender wires, the sleepless heralds run,
Fast as the clear and living rays go streaming from the sun;
No pearls of flashes, heard or seen, their wondrous flight betray,
And yet their words are quickly caught in cities far away.

Unknown Pennsylvania Preacher (1848)


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