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Popular press is not a receptive media for reports of paranormal phenomena, however, that was not always the case. During the Spiritualistic movement of the late 1800's and early 1900's, reports of spirit contact were often reported in local newspapers.

Here a an ever-growing collection of articles from that period, as reported, with no alterations or omissions listed by date.

Magnetic Telegraph Foreshadowed MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH: March 27, 1857

Although this is not really an unexplained paranormal story, early experiments with the magnetic telegraph must have seemed pretty mystical.

Hand of Fate THE HAND OF FATE: October 8, 1882

As the train came upon the bridge there seemed to be a sudden jar and stoppage.  The engine leaped into the air like a frightened horse and rolled off the bridge, followed by six of the cars.  There was an intense movement of alarm and horror...




Haunted House THE HAUNTED HOUSE: August 16, 1891

The phenomenon of the house appearing to be in flames has been seen by hundreds on several nights about midnight.

The Drummer's Story THE DRUMMERS' STORY: February 7, 1892

This is the first of a few tales related by Alice Bodington that she collected over the years.  It is the story of a ghostly sister who visits her brother with a scratch on her face..


Lost Baby THE NURSE AND THE LOST BABY: February 7, 1892

Another tale from Alice Bodington who vouched the stories were all genuine This is a tale about a lost baby and how his dead mother returned to tell the new stepmother she would see him again.

The Ghost of Voltaire THE GHOST OF VOLTAIRE: February 7, 1892

A third Bodington tale. This is the classic story about visitors to Chateau de Prangias in Switzerland who have witnessed the ghost of Voltaire.
Old Man in the Bookcase OLD MAN OF THE BOOKCASE: February 7, 1892

The last Alice Bodington tale. This is an eerie story about the ghost of a librarian who was seen in a bookcase.

Headless Brakeman HEADLESS BRAKEMAN: July 15, 1894

This is a strange, haunting story about railroad brakeman Tom Murphy and how he lost his life one night in Maryland.

Western Witch Story WESTERN WITCH STORY: April 2, 1896

Miss Neubauer had a strange disease that was caused by a bad omen and the feathers in her pillow.


Uneasy Spirit AN UNEASY SPIRIT: August 1, 1897

An apparition on State street has all the neighbors speculating what the specter could be when they see his lantern light in the oat field.

Ghost Ship FLEET OF HAUNTED VESSELS: January 7, 1900

Uncle Sam's navy possesses a fleet of haunted vessels such as few others can boast.

Elm Tree GHOST STARTLED A TOWN: September 23, 1906

This is more of a test of bravery than a ghost tale, but it does show the attitude of the people during that time period. It happened on the edge of town in the grove of old oak trees...

Ghost of Live Man GHOST OF A LIVE MAN SEEN: January 18, 1909

As a rule, spook stories rest upon second hand evidence.  In this instance, three persons have made affidavits of what they saw in London, England.

Ghosts Robs Statue of Sword GHOST ROBS KOSCIUSKO'S STATUE OF SWORD: June 9, 1912

Old John Copcutt's ghost which has haunted the Copcutt mansion in Nepperhan avenue, Yonkers, for two decades, has made another appearance.

Ghosts Second-hand Shops GHOSTS HAUNT SECONDHAND SHOPS: April 13, 1919

They are there in those dusty, almost always ill-smelling shops.  Battered and musty or perky and defiant, sometimes, one can almost imagine, sad and tearful.  They are substantial ghosts who tell real stories with no aim to frighten their beholder.

The Mystery Letters MYSTERY OF PSYCHIC LETTERS: July 18, 1920

Like his friends, William James and Richard Hodgson, Dr. Hyslop had promised to whisper across the void between our world and the world of the dead as soon after his death as possible. Some say he did communicate several times immediately following his death...

Ghost of Aviator Lincoln Beachey GHOST OF AVIATOR HOVERS BY HANGAR: April 7, 1922

After pilot Lincoln Beachey died in an air exposition, his ghost was often seen at his Bay Farm Island hangar.

I pass, like night, from land to land;
I have strange power of speech;
That moment that his face I see,
I know the man that must hear me:
To him my tale I teach.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1797)


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