Mystical Mythology of the World

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Many of the myths of the world are involved with the product of man-made objects and artisan works. Think about all the wonderful wonders and pieces of artwork that man himself has created with his own creativity and two hands. Then think about  the abundance of superstitions and myths from around the world from every period and time that involve material goods.

You'll soon come up with a list that includes everything from superstitions about broken mirrors, to Biblical tales about the Holy Grail. fairytales about Pandora's Box and myths about jewels like the Hope Diamond. There are even stories about haunted pieces of furniture and oil paintings that come to life.

Here is, by no means, a complete list, just a start..

Music - Art Forms
Chalice CHALICES: The most famous chalice is the Holy Grail, purportedly used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper.
Jewels JEWELS:  Jewels hold magical powers and are associated with everything from good luck to protective powers. Many ancients believed that diamonds were God's tears.


Heraldic Shield
HERALDRY: These distinctive devices, marks, and colors, most commonly referred to as coats of arms for the display of arms on surcoats, were first adopted by the noble classes.


Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Sign HEX SIGNS: Brightly painted hex shaped symbols painted on the barns of the Pennsylvania Germans. The shapes and colors of hex signs have special meanings.


Mirrors MIRRORS:  Although viewed with suspicion by some, it is generally believed that having a large number of mirrors in the home is lucky. This is said to be because of the mirror's ability to deflect evil and attract good.
Stained Glass
STAINED GLASS ART: Early artisans used stained glass to portray as other-worldly environments, essentially heavenly pictures.


Windchimes WINDCHIMES:  The melodic sound of a Wind Chime is not only pleasing to the ear, but they’re also known to have healing powers. The chimes emit a vibration that soothes and calms the mind and helps us reconnect with our spirit. It is no surprise that many cultures have used chimes for hundreds of years.

Inspiration and genius--one and the same.

Victor Hugo


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