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The male member of the Irish Merpeople. The female version is called a merrow. The female merrow are very beautiful and, like other mermaids, appear before storms as an omen, but they are gentle by nature and often fall in love with mortal fishermen. This can partly be explained by the extreme ugliness of the male merrows. Despite their alarming aspect, the males too have their redeeming features as they are generally jovial in character.

The mermen have rarely been seen by humans. They have been described as exceptionally ugly and scaled, with pig-like features and long, pointed teeth. They are a bringer of good luck. Mermen wear a red cocked hat and have a green body, with green hair and teeth. The mermen wear no clothes. It's no small wonder that the beautiful female merrows seek husbands in mortal lands.

Good or bad weather, the male merrow sits on a rock, scanning the sea for cases of brandy lost from wrecked ships. He is a friendly fellow with a red nose (some say from a wee bit too much drinking of that brandy).

O, what a happy life where mine
Under the hollow-hung ocean green!
Soft are the moss-beds under the sea;
We would live merrily, merrily.

 Alfred Lord Tennyson, The Merman


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