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The Hindus have two different trinities, unlike the Christians who have only one. The first Hindu trinity are the three Hindu gods. Which are Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva. They represent the cycle of rebirth and reincarnation. Brahman is the creator of the universe, Vishnu is the preserver of the universe, and Shiva is the destroyer and the recreator.

The second Hindu trinity are the three goddesses and wives of the gods of the first trinity. All six of these gods and goddesses have other incarnations. The double trinity of Hinduism represents the Jewish Star of David. In other words, two triangles, one upside down and the triangle right side up and they intersect each other. The six pointed star of David was originally a Hindu symbol meaning double trinity and the Jews of Israel adopted it from the Hindus and turned it into the Star of David. 

Each God in the trinity has his consort. To Brahma is Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge. For Vishnu is Lakshmi, the Goddess of love, beauty and delight. For Shiva is Kali (Parvati) , the Goddess of power, destruction and transformation. These are the three main forms of the Goddess, as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are the three main forms of the God.

Wedding Hands Henna






The three Goddesses are often worshipped in their own right as well as along with their spouses.

Saraswati - Goddess of Learning SARASWATI: The goddess of knowledge, music and all the creative arts, she is represented as a white woman. She is the wife of Lord Brahma.
Lakshmi LAKSHMI: The goddess of light, beauty, good fortune and wealth. Wife of Lord Vishnu.
Parvati PARVATI (KALI): Goddess of Power. Wife of Lord Shiva.

Never strike your wife, even with a flower.

Hindu Proverb


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