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A "Manifest Thought Form", unlike a Ghost, has no previous mortal experience. It is an energy field that is created, programmed and empowered by a living person. Many people project their anger, their animosity, their emotions, their very life force into an etheric receptacle. They "bottle up" their thoughts and feelings, and let them constantly accumulate and intensify.

As these emotions and projections accumulate, they begin to take on a definite shape and disposition. In the early stage, this creation is small, simple and powerless, and can be controlled and even destroyed. Sorcerers have long known how to create and use Manifest Thought Forms as an instrument of their work. They are created, programmed and dispatched against a human target as an agent of destruction.

Given sufficient definition and empowerment, the Manifest Thought Form takes on a life, a consciousness of its own. No longer subject to its creator, it is now out of control, and the creator becomes powerless to destroy it. Eventually, it will begin to feed off the negative emotions of others. Unlike a Ghost, it is not trapped by an emotional bond to a particular place. This entity will take any shape that the thoughts and emotions they are feeding off of project. This accounts for the grotesque and malformed figures and features frequently observed with this type of manifestation. The Manifest Thought Form has no "higher level thought processes" or moral ethics. It is pure negative emotion created into a manifest energy pattern endowed with a highly negative disposition and temperament. Its sole function, devoid of any other programming, is to feed off negative human emotion, and where possible use its aggressive, hostile nature to generate more negative human emotion.

It is not territorial, and contact is always unpleasant. Its behavior is highly unpredictable and ugly without provocation. This type of entity is also the most difficult to remove by exorcism. By the time we experience a Manifest Thought Form, it is already highly developed and powerful. This category accounts for the largest number of actual "evil" and "mischievous" contacts we may experience. The Manifest Thought Form's most common appearance is that of a dark misty shroud that prevails within an area, followed closely by an extremely dark, ugly floating mass or a pitch black grotesque figure or shape. There may be audient or clairaudient activity. There is always an impending sense of doom, fear or possession associated with these entities. Mechanical devices, such as clock chimes and music boxes, may inexplicable begin playing. This is a sure sign of its ability to affect the physical plane. If challenged or provoked, it will attack, usually resulting in temporary physical paralysis and intensified assault. Its ability to withstand traditional exorcism techniques is phenomenal. The best defense against such a being is a calm, level emotional state in which your logical, conscious thought, not emotion, is in charge. It may resort to any tactic it knows to shake or rattle your will. Emotional control is the key. Remember, never be foolish enough to believe that just because it is no longer manifest at this moment, that it is gone forever.

Each bound the other’s crucifix,
We gave no other bond.
Sufficient troth that we shall rise—
Deposed, at length, the grave—
To that new marriage, justified
Through Calvaries of Love

Emily Dickenson, The Spirit of Poetry


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