Mystical Mythology of the World

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The word “holiday” is one of the oldest in the English language and originally referred to a consecrated day or a religious festival (holy day). Through the course of human history, holidays have gradually changed from a spiritual day for religious observance to a celebration of community and family, country and friends.

As the meaning and role of the consecrated holy-days expanded, the word “holiday” itself took on new meanings and associations from strictly "holy day" to everything from a national observance, a day to give thanks, vacation, or even a few hours off work.

Around the world, people mark holidays with special traditions, festivities, and traditions:

 American - Christian Holidays




Holiday - Christmas Girl CHRISTMAS: Christmas has it's roots in early Christianity, however, it wasn't celebrated by the early church until the fourth century when the church decided to redeem a Roman pagan winter solstice festival.
  EASTER: A Christian holiday that is celebrated worldwide. It is the celebration of Christ's resurrection.

The holiest of all holidays are those
Kept by ourselves in silence and apart;
The secret anniversaries of the heart,

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Holidays


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